Monday, January 31, 2011


I have decided to do my first blog on the Angler-Fish .
The Angler-Fish is part of the Lophiiformes family . These type of fish are carnivores and are usually found in deep water like in the Marianas Trench . The Angler-Fish are usually a dark brown and gray color . These fish can grow up to 3.3 feet while most of them are smaller than a foot . These fish thrive in the dark and lonely depths of the sea .

The Angler-Fish has one of the coolest ways of hunting . Female Angler-Fish have a piece of its spine coming out its mouth . This piece of spine has a glowing tip at the end . The Female Angler-Fish uses this glowing tip to attract prey in deep dark waters like the Marianas Trench . Once the prey gets close to the glowing tip the Female Angler-Fish swallows it up . It doesnt really matter about the size of the fish . The Female Angler-Fish is able to swallow fish twice its size.

With all these cool things the Female Angler-Fish have , you must wonder if the male has the same . Unfortunately they dont . The Male Angler-Fish is one of the most pathetic fish I have ever heard of .

The male Angler-Fish doesnt come with that cool glowing tip like the female Angler-Fish . The male Angler-Fish it a lot smaller and is considered as a “parasitic mate”

The male Angler-Fish is considered a parasitic mate because its goal from birth is to try and find a female Angler-Fish to attach its self to . The male Angler-Fish is born with some awesome superhero scent . This superhero like scent helps the male Angler-Fish find his female mate in which he can fuse with .
The reason why this pathetic male fish needs to find a mate as soon as possible , is because as the male Angler-Fish starts to get older its digestive system starts to degenerate extremely quickly which makes it hard for this male fish to feed on its own. So with its useless attributes it has to find a female to live off before he starves to death .

Once the male Angler-Fish finds a female mate . He fuses with her . The male Angler-Fish fuses with the female Angler-Fish by biting her . Once he bites her , the male Angler-Fish releases a enzyme that breaks down the body of the female Angler-Fish along with with the male angler-fishes mouth. After a period of time this breakdown ends up fusing the male and female Angler-Fish together . Once the male is fused with the female , the male ends up degenerating at even a faster rate . The male starts to lose his digestive organs , heart and eyes . The Angler-Fish starts to lose everything besides his dignity ….his balls (testicles )

Now with a pair of balls , the female Angler-Fish is able to reproduce as much as she wants . Once the female Angler-Fish releases her eggs , the testicles magically release sperm in which fertilize the eggs.
Over the female Angler-Fish lifespan , she can have close to six male Angler-Fish attached to her .

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